Essays and Musings
Extended posts on teaching and writing (often about writing about writing).
Extended posts on teaching and writing (often about writing about writing).
I’ve taught college composition, composition theory, and writing across the curriculum, as well as poetry workshops and seminars. In all of these, I structure time to help students engage with each other and with texts in active, concrete, and extendable ways, so that each activity fosters a range of “teachable moments.”
I have been involved in several digital projects from their beginnings, including the Writing Studies Tree and the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. I am currently conducting a “distant reading” study of ~2,700 doctoral dissertations in Composition / Rhetoric, 2001-2010, analyzing clusters within and among methods, tags, and vocabulary.
My first book of poems, Without Compass, was published by Four Way Books in April 2014. An article based on my dissertation research is included in the September 2014 issue of College Composition and Communication.
Extended posts on teaching and writing (often about writing about writing).
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Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat …
by Benjamin Miller, Amanda Licastro, and Jill Belli We are the principal designers of the Writing Studies Tree (WST), a project we hope you’ve heard about since our launch at the 2012 CCCC in St. Louis. Briefly, the WST is an open-access site for gathering, visualizing, and analyzing “academic genealogies”: the often-invisible systems of affiliation …
For all you non-existent followers out there, you can now non-follow me at majoringinmeta.commons.gc.cuny.edu. Maybe not as mellifluous off the tongue, but way snazzier and more plugged in. And it’ll be even better once I get around to restoring the banner art I’d chosen… Tagged: self-justification, transcendence
Tagged: posthumanity, webcomics